Designing outdoor spaces for maximum liveability and lovability
Cramer and the City
With the weather warming up, the urge to spend more time outside is mounting. And some new accessories or items of furniture will allow you to make the absolute most of your outdoor area. So why not take the time to get your balcony space in ship shape and rejuvenated with a few of the great ideas listed below.
Food fest - The Sydney suburbs that are a foodie's paradise
Cramer and the City
There are several Sydney suburbs that are any food lover’s dream, where even the most finicky foodie will be able to eat to their heart’s content. Replete with artisan shops and grocers galore, Marrickville and Surry Hills get our vote as joint winners of Sydney’s Foodie Capital. This week we will start by taking to the streets of Surry Hills in search of gourmet fare.
Mood boosting must-haves for your home
Cramer and the City
There has never been a better time than the present to look for ways to boost our mood. Even the most stoic among us have lockdown fatigue, and the rest of us are going positively stir crazy. Creating a peaceful yet uplifting atmosphere in your home is the perfect foil for lockdown blues.
Apartment Living Chronicles Part 4: Design Trends 2021
Cramer and the City
With home now so much more than just our base, we feel the time is ripe for applying some of 2021’s styling trends into the rooms where you are spending the majority of your life. If now isn’t the time to give your home a new lease of life, I don’t know when is. Not only will the addition of some new pieces revitalise your spaces, but the latest trends will create a sense of peaceful harmony that we all need at the moment.
Life in lockdown - Making your home more important than ever
Cramer and the City
One thing is certain during these strange covid times – home is of the most paramount importance. Many of us have now been staring at our own four walls for so many months that the cracks are both literally and metaphorically starting to show. I believe that the increasingly urgent desire to upgrade our home and location is largely what is fuelling the property market at present.
Apartment Living Chronicles Part 3: The apartment precinct - The future of apartment living
Cramer and the City
It is expected that Australia’s population will expand to more than 35 million citizens by 2050, with a large percentage of its inhabitants living in urban centers. The existing infrastructure and public utilities that were set up to accommodate an urban density model of 8 to 15 detached dwellings per hectare are now largely unsustainable.