Sydney’s most experienced, creative and unique property agency

Experience The Cramer Difference

At Cramer Property, our goal is to give you the most unique, creative and effective service in the industry. As an established property agency that has been operating for almost 25 years, our unbeatable industry knowledge ensures you will receive the professionalism, attention to detail, creative capability and personalised service to set your property apart. And as a boutique style of operator, we are able to give the care and attention your property deserves. Experience the Cramer difference.


Annandale... where history lives on


Cramer And The City

Architecturally, Annandale is an incredibly interesting suburb from an historical perspective. It is home to some of the first houses in Sydney and is a canvas for the unexpected. Nestled quite startlingly amid some of Sydney’s earliest architectural history lies the Ann & Dale, a striking example of the quintessential linear, large-windowed retro 70s building.

Swing your way to a calm mind


Cramer And The City Blog

With life becoming busier and more and more stressful, we all need to find ways to unwind. And as our home should be our refuge from the crazy world outside, we need to think of ways to create a tranquil and serenely calming indoor environment.

Interiors with Jessica Iliffe


Cramer And The City Blog

Interview with the lovely Jessica Iliffe interior designer and stylist. Read more about her inspirations, style mood boards and more...

Are you an Ace Ventura?


Cramer And The City Blog

If you are a pet lover you may be interested to know where you and your pet stand in your strata scheme... It appears that more than two-thirds of Australian households include pets and Australia has the highest incidence of pet ownership per household of any country in the world.